How to Save a Life

A heavy shroud of sorrow drapes a soul.

A heart cries out, where hope fades away.

Lost in a maze of endless rain and doubt echoes.

Listen with kindness and hold their pain.

In the darkest hour, courage lights the way.

You can break down the wall and save a life.

Don’t let them stand alone through the ice.

Written Silence

I know it.

I have held it in my hand.

The ceaseless whir of emotions perpetuated in my fingernails.

The pause of my consciousness.

The burn moment of silence.

I can write it.

The space of long-stretched silence.

I scribble it.

Everything that Happened

Life’s hardships have made me grow.

I had a cup full of responsibilities that weren’t ready to drink, but I did anyway.

I asked questions to this glass-slipper heart of mine.

I seek clues within my bones.

I tried to shake off the old views.

And this little voice inside me whispered,

“Does everything happen for a reason, or do we find a reason for everything that happened?”

A Soul to Remember

The vibration of your soul travels to mine like ripples.

You’re soft as a breeze.

You move waves with your racing thoughts.

You listen to my deepest whispers and silent screams.

Your unspoken understanding wipes the wildest storm.

And I hope my soul reaches you like a Morse code locked in my heart’s core;


“You are one of my constant stars in my changing skies.”

When You Leave

From the moment we started talking, I couldn’t have anticipated this would all unfold.

You drew memories in my mind that I could never erase.

All the incredible moments we’ve shared have left an indelible mark on my heart.

And it’s going to hurt truly bad when you leave.

I See the Soul

Looking into your eyes eases my tainted mind.

You calm my knacker heart like a warm winter shower.

Your unconditional love fills the sky and never hides under the smallest leaf.

Your compassion has taught me the beauty of trust and the power of pure happiness.

You always make me feel that I am worth something.

And I see the soul you have for mine.


Have you experienced situations throughout your life that are so traumatic and excruciating that you can’t ever imagine being okay again?

Then, as time passes,

You get through what you went through, and you realize that you’re so much stronger than you thought you could ever be.

“Isn’t it breathtaking how much we can grow?”

A Proud Moment

The growth you found in forlorn seasons is exceptional.

You have won battles that people don’t even know about.

It’s brave. It’s beautiful.

It’s a proud moment.

You deserve every inch of comfort and love as strong as all the exhaustion and pain you felt.

Haunting Me Again

You start to crawl your way inside my soul.

Your cold bare hands were running through my skin.

There’s an empty air for me to drown in and a painful scream that hold my breath out.

You’ve made me feel like trash.

You once forgot that I have your blood.

I cared, but you didn’t.

It feels like my life wants to end itself. Never too deep, not enough to die but enough to hurt me awake, snap, and recoil.

And the hardest part of you haunting me again is I’ll never hear your sorry.

I’ll never know if you are sorry.

No Ends Here

There comes a point where you feel like you have to stop because it ends.

But nothing truly ends for ourselves.

It’s a moving moment.

Love becomes hate,

Battle wounds become scars,

Present pain becomes future strength,

And hope becomes despair, then hope again.

Adore again.

Put yourself out there again.

Close Enough

I let my heart drown with your mile-wide smile.

I let my soul admire you in an echoing silence.

I let my mind ponder endless ways how to keep you close,

Close enough for you to know the magnetic waves of happiness you send are what I crave.


“What if you’re the one who can’t let yourself be happy?”

The truth behind his words hit me harder.

My chest caves in on itself with a heavy breath.

I tell myself that I want to live happily.

But the pressure in my heart builds.

Maybe that’s the problem I don’t know what I want.

And I just forgot what it felt like to not feel so damn melancholic for once.

Coffee, Clouds, and You

Life is better with coffee in it.

A fresh breath of caffeine.

A perfect fading sip.

Life is better with a thousand clouds.

Sweet burn of summer wind as we hold all the cosmic memories and inner peace.

Life is better with you around.

With you in it.

With you, always.

Reckless Trust

I’ve somehow injured myself out of my recklessness.

My voice is cracking, and my body feels numb.

I sit and breathe the scent of winter woods.

Gasping for air and questions I’ve never asked myself.

“What had trust offered me anyway apart from trauma and late-night emotional eating?”

I Look Fine

I look fine. It just feels like my head is filled and piled with crumpled papers. Wake up with a heavy chest and barely being able to crawl.

I look fine. I’m just trying to survive and get a cup of coffee and think of endless ways to get out of this moment.

My mind just tickles,

Let me cry a little bit longer.

Let me cry with all of this negative energy inside me.

Let me cry the utter emptiness that is life has almost shattered me.

I want to walk away from my body.

And I’m sure I look fine.

Shooting Star

There will be a time that love will arrive like a shooting star, striking through your chest, giggling over your cheeks, laughing with tears at the corner of your eyes, stardust filled on your lungs, hoping it will never come to an end.